Idioma: Español Language: Spanish
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(Fecha 10-1-1988) (Date 10-1-1988)
Apreciados Jorge Barrenechea y esposa Carmen María Dear Jorge Barrenechea and wife, Carmen Maria
Como recordara, en la conversación por vía teléfono que mantuvo con uno de mis hermanos usted le pidió que les remitiésemos un informe en torno a UMMOWOA. As recalled in the conversation by phone he had with one of my brothers you asked them a report remitiésemos around UMMOWOA. Es cierto que exceptuando un documento remitido a sus hermanos situados en el Continente de América, redactado en términos similares, nosotros habíamos preferido no insistir excesivamente en un tema histórico que les afecta a ustedes también a través de la figura para ustedes sacra de Jesús. True, except a document addressed to his brothers located on the continent of America in similar terms, we had chosen not to insist too much on a historical topic that affects them to you also through the sacred figure of Jesus for you. Y obramos así, para no herir excesivamente sus sentimientos religiosos. And we act so as not to hurt their religious feelings too.
Es cierto que en un periodo histórico remoto, UMMOWOA apareció entre los habitantes de UMMO rodeado de una aureola mística, WOOAYII UMMOWOA, podía traducirse algo así como “divino UMMOWOA”. It is true that in a remote historical period, UMMOWOA appeared among the inhabitants of Ummo surrounded by a mystical aura, WOOAYII UMMOWOA, could be translated something like "divine UMMOWOA. Aunque no se desarrolló alrededor de su recuerdo una religión institucionalizada como ocurrió en OYAGAA (Astro Tierra). Although not developed around his memory institutionalized religion as in OYAGAA (Astro Earth).
La moderna Cosmobiofísica arrojó luz suficiente sobre ese grandioso fenómeno que no por fundamentarse en leyes cosmológicas, es menos maravilloso. Modern Cosmobiofísica threw some light on that great phenomenon that is not based on laws of cosmology, is less wonderful.
Pero es preciso matizar que las connotaciones emocionales y la interpretación biofísica de ese evento esta muy lejos de la noción que ustedes han elaborado sobre el hecho histórico del nacimiento de Jesús (Que como les aclararemos es semejante al de UMMOWOA). But I must qualify that the emotional connotations and biophysical interpretation of that event is far from the notion that you have prepared on the historical fact of Jesus' birth (which, as they make is similar to UMMOWOA).
Para ustedes la figura de Jesús es “Divina” y esta rodeada de connotaciones místico religiosas. For you the figure of Jesus is "divine" and is surrounded by mystical religious connotations. Se trataría de un hecho sobrenatural, teológico y en ese contexto hace explicable que se instaure incluso una Iglesia. This would be a supernatural, theological, and in that context makes it understandable that introduce even a church.
Como comprobarán ustedes en las páginas mecanografiadas adjuntas, el fenómeno de un OEMMIWOA se inscribe dentro de un entorno Científico-Biológico, explicable cuando se tiene una concepción holística del WAAM-WAAM. As you check in the typed pages annexed, the phenomenon of a OEMMIWOA is part of an environment-Biological Science, understandable when you have a holistic conception of WAAM-WAAM. Que en el curso de la evolución biológica, surja un OEMMIWOA es tan lógico y necesario como que una roca sea atraída gravitatoriamente por un Astro. That in the course of biological evolution, the emergence of a OEMMIWOA is as logical and necessary as a rock is gravitationally attracted by an Astro.
Por ello para un espíritu religioso de Tierra, la noción de un OEMMIWOA resulta fría, le generará desencanto, y quizás le decepcionara, entre otros aspectos por que la imagen de WOA que nosotros aceptamos nada tiene que ver con la noción teológica que muchas religiones de Tierra han forjado acerca de un ente antropomental, paternal, castigador y recompensador, suprainteligente y creador. So for a religious spirit of Earth, the notion of a OEMMIWOA is cold, it will generate disappointment, and perhaps disappoint him, among other things that the image we accept WOA has nothing to do with the theological notion that many religions Earth have wrought on a local antropomental, paternal punishment and reward, suprainteligente and creator.
Para nosotros en cambio todas esas ideas de ustedes, encajan dentro del Marco de mitos, explicables en la evolución histórica de su Red Social Terrestre. For us all these ideas instead of you fit into the framework of myths, which are explained in the historical evolution of Social Network Earth. Sobre un hecho real que por su singularidad física interpretada como taumatúrgica (Milagrosa) asombró a los coetáneos de Jesús. On a fact which by its physical singularity interpreted as thaumaturgic (Miracle) stunned contemporaries of Jesus. Se desarrolla un estrato doctrinal que da forma a una nueva religión el Cristianismo, ya la estructuración de varias iglesias en torno a distintas interpretaciones del distorsionado mensaje de ese OEMMIIWOA . It develops a doctrinal layer that forms a new religion, Christianity, and the structuring of several churches around different interpretations of the distorted message that OEMMIIWOA.
No nos importa que usted divulgue este mensaje, pero dejamos a su discreción disponga usted a quienes ha de ser entregada copia (nos referimos al informe adjunto. No a esta carta). We do not care that you disclose this message, but we have you at their discretion who is to be delivered a copy (we refer to the attached report. Not this letter).
De todos modos le aconsejamos que remita copia a los siguientes hermanos: COPIA MECANOGRAFIADA sin SELLO. Anyway we advise you to forward a copy to the following siblings: typescript unsealed.
A los hermanos. To the brothers. Juan Aguirre, Luís Jiménez Maruhenda, Antonio Ribera Jordá, Rafael Farriols. Juan Aguirre, Luis Jimenez Maruhenda, Jorda Antonio Ribera, Rafael Farriols.
Además de otros hermanos que usted seleccione. Apart from other brothers that you select.
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UMMOAELEWEE Copiar mecanográficamente de modo que no UMMOAELEWEE typescript so that no
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Señores de Tierra Jorge Barrenechea, Antonio Ribera, Juan Aguirre, Rafael Farriols, Luís Jiménez. Earth Lords Jorge Barrenechea, Antonio Ribera, Juan Aguirre, Rafael Farriols, Luis Jimenez. El Señor Jorge decidirá el destino de otras fotocopias de este informe. Mr. Jorge decide the fate of other copies of this report.
Nuestra concepción cosmogónica está fundamentada en sólidas bases científicas. Our concept of cosmogony is based on sound science. Sabemos que estamos inmersos en un WAAM-WAAM (Universo múltiple) y que los flujos de información que hacen posible toda su riqueza configurativa proceden de dos polos o centros. Uno de ellos es generador por antonomasia de información . We know that we are immersed in a WAAM-WAAM (Multi Universe) and information flows that make possible all configurational richness from two poles and centers. One of them is quintessential information generator. Todas las configuraciones posibles de la materia, todas las posibilidades del SER, es decir todas las modalidades que ustedes pudieran concebir de la existencia perceptible y no perceptible por nuestros sentidos u otros órganos sensibles imaginables, tienen origen en este polo. All possible configurations of matter, all possibilities of Being, ie all modes that you could conceive of the existence perceptible not perceptible by our senses or other sensitive bodies imaginable, have their origin in this pole.
Es preciso puntualizar que no todas las formas imaginables son posibles como seres reales. It should be clear that not every conceivable way possible as real beings. Por ejemplo nuestro cerebro puede imaginar un OEMII o ser humano del tamaño de un milímetro, pero tal entidad biológica no sería posible. For example, our brain can imagine a human being OEMII or the size of a millimeter, but this biological entity would not be possible. No olviden que una reducción lineal de 1/10 3 (una milésima), se traduciría en volumen de órganos internos a 1/10 9 (una mil millonésima) la reducción del metabolismo bioquímico sería por tanto proporcional a la masa. Do not forget that a linear reduction of 1 / 10 3 (one thousandth), would result in internal organ volume 1 / 10 9 (one billionth) reduction of biochemical metabolism would therefore be proportional to mass. Por otra parte observen que las moléculas químicas no podrían reducirse en la misma proporción de modo que una célula de ese supuesto homúnculo no podría albergar la compleja arquitectura que se observa en nuestras células. Also note that the chemical molecules could not be reduced to the same proportion so that a cell of the homunculus course could not accommodate the complex architecture seen in our cells. Por razones parecidas no sería concebible un insecto de los conocidos en OYAGAA con dimensiones de docenas de metros, o una estrella compuesta exclusivamente de cadenas proteínicas. For similar reasons it is inconceivable for an insect known OYAGAA with dimensions of dozens of meters, or a star composed entirely of protein chains.
Las formas posibles del SER han de ser coherentes por tanto con el cuerpo de leyes fisicobiológicas que rigen en el WAAM-WAAM. BEING way possible the need to be consistent for both the body of laws governing the physical-biological-WAAM WAAM.
Este polo o matriz cósmica de información hará posible por transferencia generadora, toda la configuración de los múltiples universos. This pole or cosmic matrix of information transfer will enable generator, all configuration of multiple universes. Sin su existencia el cosmos sería como un gigantesco cristal de configuración isótropa, amorfo, carente de configuraciones o singularidades y por tanto de información (El término cristal lo utilizamos nosotros no como sinónimo de arquitectura geométrica de átomos ordenados, cuerpo que no sería isótropo, sino como cadena infinita de IBOZSOO-UHU en completo desorden en el que la transmisión de la luz no es posible y la entropía infinita). Without their existence, the cosmos would be like a gigantic crystal configuration isotropic, amorphous, lacking or singular configurations and therefore information (The term we use glass as we do not synonymous with atoms arranged geometric architecture, body would not be isotropic, but as infinite chain of IBOZSOO-UHU in complete disorder in which the light transmission is not possible and infinite entropy).
A tal centro cosmogónico codificador de esas configuraciones posibles le llamamos WOA . For this encoder cosmogonic center of these possible configurations we call WOA. WOA coexiste con AIODII, es decir, con la realidad plasmada. WOA AIODII coexists with, ie with the evidence provided. Uno configura; modela, al otro. One set, modeled on the other.
Pero nos preocupa que ustedes identifiquen nuestra versión de WOA con alguna particular concepción de DIOS. But we are concerned that you identify with our version of WOA any particular conception of God. Un examen superficial de ambas nociones, puede aceptar este paralelismo. A cursory examination of both notions, can accept this parallel. WOA=Generador equivaldría a DIOS=Creador tal como sus teólogos lo conciben. WOA = GOD = equivalent generator Creator as their theologians conceive.
Pero la imagen de Dios : Que como ustedes saben bien es bastante diferente en el contexto de las religiones de Tierra, se revela en todas ellas como un ser antropomorfo, dotado de infinita bondad ser pensante por excelencia perfecto padre de sus criaturas . But the image of God, that as you well know is quite different in the context of the religions of Earth, is revealed in all of them as an anthropomorphic being, endowed with infinite goodness be perfect father thinking par excellence of his creatures. Además su existencia suprema aparece como revelada a sus profetas en un marco religioso y piadoso. Also listed as its supreme existence revealed to their prophets and pious religious framework.
Les será interesante conocer, que nuestra idea de WOA deviene por vía científica, no teológica . They will be interesting to know that our idea becomes WOA through scientific, not theological. Es cierto que su existencia fue proclamada por UMMOWOA en un marco histórico en el que la Ciencia no podía llegar a su cognición. It is true that their existence was proclaimed by UMMOWOA in a historical setting in which Science could not reach their cognition. Mas para nosotros un concepto “revelado” carece de valor probatorio. But for us a concept "revealed" no probative value. La sociedad de UMMO no es tan emocional como la Red social de la Tierra. Ummo society is not as emotional as the social network on Earth. En su seno no podía fraguarse una religión en el sentido que otorgan ustedes a este término (Ligación del ser humano a su Dios que entraña Fe y acatamiento a sus leyes y doctrinas) Ni nosotros vemos en WOA a un padre, ni concebimos que pueda acatarse o asumirse cualquier concepto por vía de la Fe . Sólo la razón y la demostración científica permite fraguar el cuerpo de nuestra doctrina. Within it could not forge a religion in the sense that you give to this term (ligation of human beings to their God that involves Fe and compliance with its laws and doctrines) WOA Neither we see in a father, nor can we conceive heeded or assume any concept by way of the Faith. Only reason and scientific proof can forge the body of our doctrine. (Observen ustedes que mis hermanos fieles a ese principio, siempre han insistido que no crean ustedes en nuestra identidad de OEMMII viajeros procedentes de UMMO. Ello es así porque partimos del principio de que no debe ser aceptado en absoluto lo que no está probado). (Note that my brothers you faithful to that principle, have always insisted that you do not believe in our identity as travelers from Ummo OEMMII. This is because we start from the principle that must not be accepted at all what is not proven).
Si nosotros llegamos a aceptar con el tiempo la palabra de UMMOWOA, es porque la evolución de nuestra Cosmogonía nos permitió aceptar la fiabilidad del origen de su doctrina, como les aclararemos en párrafos posteriores. If we come to accept over time UMMOWOA word, it is because the evolution of our Cosmogony allowed us to accept the reliability of the source of his doctrine, as I will clarify in subsequent paragraphs.
UMMOWOA como JESÚS, no pretendieron fundar ninguna Iglesia o Religión . UMMOWOA like Jesus, did not attempt to establish any church or religion.
Lo que ocurrió en los distintos ámbitos planetarios, es que UMMOWOA nace en una sociedad desarrollada en la que el rigor histórico no permite la creación de mitos, y Jesús de Tierra, vive en una época en que el lenguaje es metafórico, La Ciencia no existe, las ideas imperantes son irracionales y fuertemente impregnadas de concepciones mágicas. What happened in the various fields of planets, is that UMMOWOA born in a developed society in which historical accuracy does not allow creation of myths, and Jesus of Earth, living in an age in which language is metaphorical, Science does not exist , the prevailing ideas are irrational and strongly imbued with magical conceptions. Es explicable, así, que su mensaje se adulterase aunque sus elementos esenciales hayan pervivido, y que su figura histórica sufriese enormes distorsiones. It is understandable, then, that his message is adulterated if its essential elements have survived, and suffered huge historical figure distortions. De ello le hablaremos luego. It will discuss later.
Para comprender todo esto, es preciso que sigamos haciendo matizaciones respecto a la concepción de WOA. To understand this, we need to continue making refinements on the design of WOA.
WOA es fuente de información cósmica . WOA is a source of cosmic information. Más; toda información carece de sentido sin un soporte material o energético. Further, all information is meaningless without some material or energy. De ahí la simbiosis entre WOA y el WAAM de masa infinita. Hence, the symbiosis between WOA and WAAM of infinite mass. WOA hace realidad esta información en el seno de este WAAM. WOA fulfills this information within this WAAM.
Como les expresaremos posteriormente, WOA también establece una relación de sintonía con esas estructuras que llamamos cerebro humano, pero sólo en circunstancias muy especiales . As I expressed later, WOA also establishes a relationship of harmony with those structures that we call human brain, but only in very special circumstances.
¿Cual es el fundamento científico de esa relación? What is the scientific basis of that relationship? Comprenderán que en el contexto de estas páginas de divulgación sea casi imposible exponer el modelo matemático complejísimo en que se basa. Understand that in the context of these pages of disclosure is almost impossible to explain the highly complex mathematical model that is based. Emplearemos pues la metáfora o el símil. Will use for the metaphor or simile. WOA sintoniza con WAAM del BUAWA BIAEII (Universo que codifica toda la información) por un efecto parecido al que ustedes conocen en física como Resonancia. WOA tuned to the BUAWA WAAM BIAEII (Universe that encrypts all information) for a similar effect to that which you know in physics as resonance. (Si ustedes colocan a cierta distancia dos cuerdas de violín y hacen vibrar una de ellas, la propagación de ondas de presión interactúa sobre la última y la hace oscilar. Un efecto análogo se manifiesta entre dos circuitos provistos de una inductancia y una capacidad eléctricas). (If you put some distance two violin strings and vibrate one, the propagation of pressure waves interact on the latest and swings. A similar effect occurs between two circuits provided with an electrical inductance and capacity) .
Ese centro universal de información pura, que es WOA, pueden ustedes imaginárselo como un gigantesco archivo donde podrían ustedes encontrar codificadas matemáticamente desde la configuración de una planta vegetal exótica, la resolución de un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales o la estructura de un edificio y un equipo generador de radiación coherente (láser). That pure universal information center, which is WOA, you can imagine as a giant file where you could find encoded mathematically from the configuration of an exotic plant floor, the resolution of a system of differential equations or the structure of a building and a team generating coherent radiation (laser). Repetimos, cualquier entidad o ser posible en el Universo múltiple. Again, any entity or be possible in the multiple universe.
WOA coexiste desde la eternidad con el WAAM BB, verdadero cerebro del multicosmos y lo modula por ese peculiar efecto de resonancia. WOA co-existed from eternity with the WAAM BB multicosmos real brain and modulated by the peculiar resonance effect. Pero observen que en realidad no le transfiere de una vez toda la información . El Multicosmos es como un gran organismo cibernético que se corrige a sí mismo . But note that in reality does not transfer once all the information. The Multicosmos is like a huge cybernetic organism that corrects itself.
En el seno de los distintos Universos nace; gracias a una corriente neguentrópica la vida, fundamentada en la complejidad biomolecular. Within the different universes born, thanks to a current life negentropy, based on the biomolecular complexity. Estos organismos vivos que pueblan multitud de astros fríos (recuerden que un astro frío no es sólo planetario, sino a veces viejas estrellas que se han enfriado y que aun conservan cierto calor interno), van perfeccionándose en complejidad; en estructuras cuya densidad de información acumulada en el espacio es creciente . Se trata de los sistemas nerviosos . El límite de esta complejidad es el cerebro humano . These living organisms that populate many stars cold (remember that a cold star is not just global, but sometimes old stars that have cooled and still retain some internal heat), will be refined in complexity, in structures where the density of information accumulated in space is growing. This is the nervous systems. The limit of this complexity is the human brain. Su arquitectura es entonces suficientemente compleja para que éste dé un salto cualitativo, se ponga en contacto con su BUAWWA y se enriquezca al máximo con su conexión a BB (BUAWAA BIAEII o conciencia colectiva engramada con ese gran cerebro del Universo: EL WAAM BB). Its architecture is complex enough time for it to take a qualitative leap, contact your BUAWWA and enriched with the best connection to BB (or collective consciousness BUAWAA BIAEII grassy with that great brain of the Universe: THE WAAM BB).
Observen ustedes que ese gran sistema cuya arquitectura está integrada por CEREBRO - BUAWA - BB , toma conciencia repentina del Universo que le rodea . Es como un sensor de BB que capta las configuraciones de su cosmos , es decir, las galaxias, las estrellas, las montañas, los animales, rocas y los artefactos elaborados. You noticed that great system which consists of brain architecture - BUAWA - BB, suddenly realizes the universe around him. It's like a BB sensor that captures the settings of your cosmos, ie galaxies, stars, the mountains, animals, rocks and artifacts produced. BB se informa de su propia elaboración. BB are informed of their own making. Es como si el multicosmos fuera un ser gigantesco cuyo cerebro y manos fuera el WAAM BB , Este, moldearía la arcilla de la materia en los distintos Universos, concentrándola en forma de átomos, nubes de estrellas, planetas, montañas y seres vivientes. Multicosmos is as if it were a giant whose brain and hands off the WAAM BB, East moldearía clay material in different universes, concentrating in the form of atoms, clouds of stars, planets, mountains and living things. Pero para moldear es preciso “ver”. Sus ojos serían los cerebros . But molding must "see." His eyes would be the brains. Estos remiten la información a BB y este a su vez corrige las deficiencias del sistema gracias a los patrones suministrados por WOA. Las “manos” de WAAM BB no son otra cosa que la influencia física interuniverso de la masa imaginaria que se propaga de un cosmos a otro produciendo pliegues espaciales, y por tanto configuraciones de masa y energía moduladas por la información del BB These forwards the information to BB and this in turn corrects the shortcomings of the system by employers provided by WOA. The "hands" WAAM BB are not simply the physical influence of the mass interuniverso imaginary travels of a cosmos folds space to another place, and therefore configurations of mass and energy modulated by the information of BB
Ven ustedes como en WOA su centro de información es estático, mientras que en el Universo múltiple el WAAM BB sintonizado con WOA, la información es dinámica . WOA you see as your information center is static, while the multiple universe BB WAAM tuned to the WOA, the information is dynamic. Por eso les advertíamos que la comparación con dos cuerdas de violín es sólo didáctica - metafórica, pues en ellas el efecto de resonancia se manifiesta con una dinámica simultánea. Therefore I warned that the comparison with two strings of a violin is just teaching - metaphorical, because in them the resonance effect is manifested by a simultaneous dynamic.
Hemos utilizado el verbo de OYAGAA “generar” como representativo de la acción de WOA , porque les es más familiar y les recuerda didácticamente la concepción del verbo “crear”, tan querida por los teólogos de Tierra. We have used OYAGAA verb "generate" as representative of the WOA action because they are more familiar and reminds them didactically conception of the verb "create", so beloved by the theologians of Earth.
Pero pensamos que ya han advertido ustedes la sutil diferencia. WOA no es el ente que ustedes imaginan como Dios paternal, inteligente, pensante, con estructura antropológica, que decide CREAR un Universo, y en él a unas criaturas imagen suya a las que recompensará después de muertas, si han cumplido sus leyes . WOA nada tiene que ver con ese Ser mítico creado por las mentes del hombre terrestre. But we think you have already noticed the subtle difference. WOA is not as you imagine being fatherly God, intelligent, thoughtful, with anthropological structure, which decides to create a universe, and in him to his image creatures to which reward after of dead, whether they have fulfilled their laws. WOA has nothing to do with this mythical being created by the minds of earthling man.
Aquí el verbo GENERAR podría traducirse como, “representar” por un especial efecto de resonancia cósmica unos patrones de información que se transfieren al WAAM BB . para dinamizar evolutivamente en el tiempo la configuración de una red de Universos . Here the generic verb could be translated as, "represent" by a special effect of cosmic resonance patterns of information that are transferred to WAAM BB. For evolutionarily dynamic in time the configuration of a network of universities. Una parábola simple podría contribuir a familiarizarse con nuestra cosmología. A simple parable could help to familiarize yourself with our cosmology.
WAAM BB es como el cerebro de un alfarero cuyos cansados ojos (los cerebros de los OEMMII) contemplan una masa de arcilla (la materia y la energía). BB WAAM brain is like a potter whose tired eyes (the brains of OEMMII) contemplate a mass of clay (matter and energy). Sus manos (la masa imaginaria cuyos “tentáculos” atraviesan las fronteras de los distintos Universos) moldean un ánfora. His hands (whose imaginary mass "tentacles" across borders of different universes) shape an amphora. Pero para hacerlo necesita de dos procesos intelectuales. But to do so requires two intellectual processes. Primero, inspirarse en un dibujo (patrón informativo) que representa ese recipiente. First, inspired by a drawing (standard information) which represents the container. Para ello, mira un antiguo libro de alfarería (WOA) que le sugiere sutilmente la forma que ha de tener el ánfora, pero sobre todo ha de aprender a autocorregir la forma de aquella, manipulándola con sus manos, observándola conforme toma forma, concienciando las dificultades que entraña manejar una sustancia viscosa. To do this, look at an ancient book of pottery (WOA), which subtly suggests that the form must have the jug, but above all must learn to self-correct the form of that, manipulating it with his hands, watching as taking shape, and raising awareness of difficulties involved in handling a viscous substance.
Cuando atribuimos en nuestros escritos a hombres de Tierra, la facultad de “generar” no nos referimos por tanto a esa hipotética para ustedes función divina “crear materia a partir de la nada” , sino generar IMÁGENES, ENTES IDEALES en WAAM BB , que éste se encarga de dinamizar o modelar sobre unos Universos que coexisten con WOA (Es decir, que no han sido creados en el sentido que dan ustedes a esta palabra, por Dios). When we ascribe to our writing men of Earth, the power to "generate" therefore we are not referring to that hypothetical for you divine function "create matter from nothing", but generate IMAGES, BB WAAM ideal entities in which it handles on a dynamic or model universes that coexist with WOA (That is, they were not created in the sense that you give to this word, by God).
Sentimos profundo respeto por sus concepciones religiosas de entidades llamadas por ustedes Alá, Dios, Jehová, Brahama... We feel deep respect for their religious conceptions of entities called for you Allah, God, Jehovah, Brahma ... Pero como ustedes acaban de observar, nuestro concepto de WOA nada tiene que ver con sus ideas teológicas . But as you just noted, our concept of WOA has nothing to do with his theological ideas. No por ello ustedes deben sentirse forzados a abrazar nuestra idea de WOA, que para nosotros es una concepción científica, pero que a ustedes les llega a través de unos folios mecanografiados procedentes de un oscuro origen. Therefore you should not feel compelled to embrace our idea of WOA, which for us is a scientific concept, but you will come across some pages typed from an obscure origin. Por ello, cada uno de ustedes ha de seguir siendo fiel a sus viejas creencias como siempre les hemos sugerido, y leer nuestros informes, como se estudian las costumbres de un exótico y lejano pueblo tribal. Therefore each one of you must remain faithful to their old beliefs as we have always suggested, and read our reports, as we study the habits of an exotic and distant tribal people.
Este informe, con otro texto, lo facilitamos a sus hermanos de Canadá, pero como a ustedes hombres de España, no les ha llegado tal información, queremos esbozarla en estos párrafos. This report, with other text, it easy for their brothers in Canada, but as you men from Spain, no such information has come to them, we outlined in these paragraphs.
En el proceso evolutivo y por tanto neguentrópico de las arquitecturas vivientes; el sistema nervioso animal alcanza un rango muy elevado. In the evolutionary process and therefore living negentropy architectures, the animal nervous system reaches a very high rank.
Observen ustedes cómo la materia se va configurando en estructuras crecientemente complejas. No es sólo la densidad de información que va haciéndose cada vez más alta conforme las moléculas orgánicas van ordenándose en espacios reducidos, sino su arquitectura maravillosa . Look you how matter is taking shape in increasingly complex structures. It is not only the density of information that is becoming increasingly high as the organic molecules are arranged in tight spaces, but its wonderful architecture. Millones de fibras nerviosas que ya de por sí son complejas, se interconectan a través de protuberancias dendríticas, conexionándose entre sí para procesar información. Millions of nerve fibers that already are complex, interconnected through dendritic protrusions connection with each other to process information. Esas estructuras básicas neuronales con diferentes funciones se interconectan a su vez en redes formadas por núcleos funcionales crecientemente complicados. La configuración final es el cerebro del OEMII , capacitado para captar datos de su medio físico, procesarlos, enviarlos en parte al BB, o utilizarlos a su vez para reaccionar y manipular su entorno físico . These basic neural structures with different functions are in turn interconnected networks of increasingly complex functional cores. The final configuration is OEMII brain, able to capture data on their physical, processed, sent in part to BB, or use them to its time to react and manipulate their physical environment. Hasta aquí no les revelamos nada que ignoren. So far not disclose anything that ignore them.
¿Cual es el final de esta evolución del cerebro humano? What is the end of this evolution of the human brain? Ante todo les aclararemos que la evolución de la red nerviosa contempla etapas cuánticas, cada una de las cuales da lugar a un nuevo fenómeno . First of all I pointed out that the evolution of neural network provides quantum phases, each of which gives rise to a new phenomenon.
Para comprender esto, tendremos previamente que recordarles algunas nociones de nuestro AYUUUEAOIIDII (BIOFÍSICA DE REDES). To understand this, previously we have to remind some notions of our AYUUUEAOIIDII (BIOPHYSICS NETWORK).
Una red o sistema está integrada por nudos o polos enlazados entre sí por canales. A network or system consists of nodes or poles linked together by channels. Los nudos pueden ser puntos másicos simples o subsistemas complejos. Knots point masses can be simple or complex subsystems. Los canales son a su vez flujos de fuerza, de energía o de información. The channels are in turn force flows, energy or information. Con frecuencia, nudos y canales son a su vez redes más elementales. Often, units and channels are themselves the most basic networking. Redes para ustedes familiares, son un sistema de telefonía urbana, en el que los canales son simples conductores por los que fluye una intensidad eléctrica modulada por información. Networks for family you are a city telephone system, in which drivers are simply channels through which flows an electric current modulated by information. El televisor de su domicilio, un motor de turismo automovilista, en el que existen complicadas interconexiones mecánicas, eléctricas, de masa-energía (gasolina) o de gas (aire, gases de combustión, etc.). The TV in your home, a passenger motor car in the complicated interconnections existing mechanical, electrical, mass-energy (gasoline) or gas (air, combustion gases, etc.)..
Otro tipo importante de Red es la sociedad de OEMII, sus nudos son a su vez subsistemas complejos: seres humanos, y los canales de información son tan importantes como los canales de masa y energía. Another important type of network is the OEMII society, its nodes are themselves complex subsystems: human beings, and channels of information are as important as the mass and energy channels. Los nudos (hombres) se conectan por flujos diversos con el medio biofísico y con otros nudos (sus hermanos). Knots (men) are connected by flows with different biophysical and other nodes (siblings). Un canal de transferencia se establece cuando ustedes reciben información olfativa u óptica, cuando ustedes entregan un objeto a otro hermano o cuando hablan con él. A transfer channel is established when you receive olfactory or optical information, when you give an object to another brother or when talking to him.
Por supuesto; edificios, aeronaves, gobiernos, máquinas herramientas, ordenadores y bolígrafos, son otros tantos ejemplos de redes. Of course, buildings, aircraft, governments, machine tools, computers and pens, are examples of networks.
Es evidente que un organismo animal es también una red, y la estructura más compleja de entre las conocidas, el cerebro humano, se convierte así en la más perfecta de las redes conocidas . It is obvious that an animal organism is also a network, and the most complex structure from the known, the human brain, thus becomes the most perfect of known networks.
Queremos hacerles observar que existen redes cuyas conexiones no son canales por los que fluyan, energía, información, masa , (líquida, gaseosa, sólida o plásmica). We want them to see that there are networks whose connections are not channels for the flow, energy, information, mass (liquid, gaseous, solid or cytoplasmic). Ejemplo de tales sistemas o redes, serían un polígono, o el sistema formado por las paredes, techo y pavimento de un aposento. Examples of such systems or networks, would be a polygon, or the system formed by the walls, ceiling and floor of a room.
Aunque nos apartemos de nuestro objetivo didáctico, les recordamos, que Todo el WAAM-WAAM constituye una gigantesca macrored , formada por subsistemas o redes que a su vez estarán integradas por redes aun más elementales. Although we depart from our goal of teaching, I remember that whole-WAAM WAAM macrored is a huge, consisting of subsystems or networks which in turn are composed of networks even more basic. Nuestro esfuerzo en el campo de la Física, ha sido crear un complejo modelo matemático que explique el desarrollo y las funciones de estas redes . Our effort in the field of physics, has been to create a complex mathematical model that explains the development and function of these networks. No olviden que muchos elementos de tales redes tienen carácter cuántico. Do not forget that many elements of these networks have quantum character. De modo que su comportamiento es aleatorio y por tanto impredecible. So their behavior is random and therefore unpredictable. Ello introduce un importante factor de carácter indeterminista en muchos de tales sistemas. This introduces an important factor in many indeterministic character of such systems.
Ahora les invitamos a que presten atención a una característica importantísima de las REDES. Now we invite you to pay attention to an important characteristic of networks.
Es precisamente en este punto, en el que el desarrollo de nuestra ciencia se encuentra mucho más avanzado que el de OYAGAA. It is precisely here, in which the development of our science is far more advanced than OYAGAA. Les repetimos; atiendan con escrupulosidad a los párrafos que siguen . I repeat; attend scrupulously to the paragraphs that follow.
La propiedad más importante de una Red , es lo que llamamos EIDOAYUEE . The most important property of a network, is what we call EIDOAYUEE. (La voz más aproximada en idioma español sería: EMERGENCIA). (The closest voice in Spanish would be: EMERGENCY).
Cuando un sistema se va estructurando de una manera peculiar, surge entonces el EIDOAYUEE. When a system is structured in a peculiar manner, there arises the EIDOAYUEE. No es fácil en breve espacio exponer sus leyes, por lo que recurriremos a ejemplos didácticos. It is not easy in a short time present their laws, so teaching by using examples.
La condición necesaria pero no suficiente, es un salto en su complejidad o concentración de información en sus elementos. Cuanta mayor es la densidad de información, el EIDOAYUEE es también más trascendente . The necessary but not sufficient, it is a leap in complexity and concentration of information in its entirety. The greater the density of information, is also more transcendent EIDOAYUEE.
EIDOAYUEE es el hecho evidente para ustedes de que una Red, posee propiedades y ejerce funciones, que no poseen sus elementos componentes . EIDOAYUEE is made clear to you that a network, owns property and performs functions that do not possess its components.
Observen ustedes una red inerte. Observe a network you inert. Un polígono pentagonal. A pentagonal polygon. Está formado por cinco nudos y cinco conexiones rectilíneas. It consists of five nodes and five straight connections. Separen ustedes puntos y líneas. You separate points and lines. Ninguna de ellas goza de la propiedad pentagonal, no pueden ustedes decir que una recta segmentada posee una décima parte de la propiedad pentagonal. None of them has the pentagonal property, can not you say that a line segment has a tenth of the pentagonal property. Mas; el hecho de vincularlas entre si, genera una propiedad geométrica nueva . But, the fact linked, generates a new geometric property.
Una de sus emisoras de Radiodifusión, no es otra cosa que una red cuyos componentes son, cables, soldaduras, semiconductores, válvulas de vacío, capacitores, devanados y resistores fijos y variables, además de los elementos de soporte. One of its broadcasting stations, is nothing other than a network whose components are, cables, solders, semiconductors, vacuum tubes, capacitors, coils and fixed and variable resistors, plus support elements. La red es capaz de modular energía y radiarla a través de una antena. The network is capable of modulating and radiating energy through an antenna. Pero prueben a descomponer el circuito. But try to break the circuit. ¿ Podrían ustedes con uno de sus componentes ; un resistor de grafito, un capacitor de tántalo o un diodo zener, radiar aunque fuera, una millonésima de energía modulada ? Could you with one of its components, a graphite resistor, tantalum capacitor or a zener diode, albeit radiate a modulated energy millionth?
Observen ustedes además, que son posibles infinitas configuraciones de redes, pero que sólo un pequeño porcentaje de ellas son realmente funcionales o significativas . Notice you also are infinite possible network configurations, but only a small percentage of them are actually functional or meaningful. No es pues cuestión de densificar información al azar. It is therefore not subject to densify random information. Ustedes pueden fabricar una complicadísima máquina con bielas, resortes, tornillos, pletinas, piñones, correas de transmisión, volantes y ejes, levas y balancines, que no sirva para nada ni se ponga en movimiento , pese a que podemos medir una respetable tasa de densidad de información . You can make a complicated machine with cranks, springs, screws, plates, gears, belts, steering wheels and axles, cams and levers, which is useless or put in motion, although we can measure a respectable rate of density information.
Existen patrones matemáticos llamados por nosotros GUIXOEXOO que permiten a unas redes ser funcionales, o significativas . There are mathematical patterns called by us GUIXOEXOO allowing nets to be functional, or meaningful. Cuando un ingeniero de Tierra diseña una cámara fotográfica, un robot o unas tijeras, está intuyendo su GUIXOEXOO, al contrario que un inventor demente que crea, por ejemplo, una máquina fantástica de movimiento continuo, y esto pese a que los físicos de la OYAGAA (Tierra) no han desarrollado una teoría general de la AYUUEAOIDI (Ontología de sistemas) que permita generar GUIXOOEXOO (Patrón de emergencia). When an engineer designs a Land camera, a robot or scissors, is sensing his GUIXOEXOO, unlike a mad inventor who creates, for example, a fantasy of perpetual motion machine, and this despite the fact that physicists OYAGAA (Earth) have not developed a general theory of AYUUEAOIDI (Ontology of systems) that can generate GUIXOOEXOO (Patron of emergency).
Recapitulen al llegar aquí; Recap coming here;
Una red: Si está especialmente estructurada , genera una EIDUAYUEE ( EMERGENCIA ), o sea una función o significado , cuyas propiedades superan significativamente a las sumas de las propiedades de sus componentes . A network: If this special structure, generates a EIDUAYUEE (EMERGENCY), or a function or meaning, whose properties significantly outweigh the sums of the properties of its components.
Cuanto más compleja es una red , es decir, cuanta mayor es su densidad de información y con la condición de GUIXOOEXOO (casi intraducible) mayor y más trascendente es la función emergente o su significatividad . The more complex a network, ie, the more is the density of information and the condition GUIXOOEXOO (almost untranslatable) biggest and most important is the emerging role or significance.
Queremos además advertirles y enseñarles, que esta EMERGENCIA se manifiesta cuánticamente , “ a saltos ”, en escalones . We would also warn them and teach them that this is manifested EMERGENCY quantum "leaps" in steps. GUIXOOEXOO no se desarrolla como una función continua, sino como una función escalonada. GUIXOOEXOO not developed as a continuous function, but as a step function.
Véanlo con un ejemplo. See it with an example. Ustedes pueden desarrollar un simple motor de explosión, formado por un cilindro, un pistón, una biela y unas válvulas, algún volante y un árbol, un carburador elemental y algunos pocos componentes más. You can develop a simple combustion engine, comprising a cylinder, a piston, a rod and a valve, a steering wheel and a tree, a carburetor and a few basic components. Es una red de la cual EMERGE la función de generar energía cinética por rotación, aplicando principios de Termodinámica conocidos por ustedes. It is a network from which emerges the role of kinetic energy generated by rotation, applying principles of thermodynamics known to you. A partir de aquí ustedes pueden perfeccionarlo. From here you can improve it. No sólo añadiendo componentes, carburador más sofisticado, nuevos cilindros sincronizados, sistema de ignición electrónico, sino reduciendo tamaños de los elementos, con lo cual el sistema crece en densidad de información. Not only adding components, carburetor more sophisticated, new synchronized cylinders, electronic ignition system, but the small size of the elements, bringing the system increases in information density.
Pero la emergencia no varía . But the emergence does not vary. Se conseguirá mayor rendimiento, mayor potencia, mayor estabilidad en la rotación, pero EIDUAYUUE permanece constante. It will get better performance, greater power, greater stability in the rotation, but EIDUAYUUE remains constant. No conseguirán que esa red, ese motor, emita imágenes televisivas o plasme imágenes en placa sensible. Se necesitaría un salto cualitativo considerable, una transformación esencial en sus componentes para lograr que se comporte como una cámara fotográfica . They will not get to that network, that engine, broadcast television pictures or images translate sensitive plate. It would take a considerable qualitative leap, an essential transformation into its components to make it behave like a camera.
Quizás valoren ustedes con más claridad este concepto, observando la evolución de una Red nerviosa animal. Maybe you appreciate this concept more clearly, watching the evolution of animal nervous Network. Aquí el “ingeniero” que elabora el GUIXOOEXOO , es decir el patrón de comportamiento de la red, es BUAWEE BIAEII (BB) , es decir, el Universo patrón o Conciencia colectiva. Here the "engineer" that elaborates the GUIXOOEXOO, ie the pattern of network behavior is BUAWEE BIAEII (BB), ie, the Universe employer or collective consciousness.
Observen el organismo de un celentéreo , conocido por los zoólogos de Tierra. Look at the body of a coelenterate, known to zoologists Earth. El, desarrolla unas células sensibles (protoneuronas) capaces de diferenciar estímulos del exterior. The develops sensitive cells (protoneuronas) capable of distinguishing external stimuli. He aquí un primer sistema nervioso cuya EMERGENCIA (EIDUAYUUE) es elemental. Here's a first nervous system whose EMERGENCY (EIDUAYUUE) is elementary. Recibir información, y reaccionar en un acto reflejo. Receive information, and react in a reflex.
Observen ahora organismos más evolucionados. Watch now more evolved organisms. Por ejemplo, equinodermos . For example, echinoderms. En ellos se aprecia un salto cuántico, un GUIXOOEXO distinto, una función emergente radicalmente distinta. They appreciated a quantum leap, a different GUIXOOEXO an emerging role radically different.
La red de los celentéreos se reducía a ESTÍMULO-células sensoras motoras-ACCIÓN . The network was reduced to the STIMULUS coelenterate-motor-powered sensor cells.
En el equinodermo, la red no sólo se hizo más compleja, sino que cambió de arquitectura . Se integraron las neuronas en ganglios de configuración especial . Ahora la EMERGENCIA es también distinta . In the echinoderm, the network not only became more complex, but that changed architecture. Neurones were integrated special configuration node. Now the emergency is also different. Se manifiesta en forma de conducta integrada . It manifests in the form of integrated behavior. La red acumula información, memoriza recuerdos , y el animal, frente a un estímulo no reacciona automáticamente con un acto reflejo, sino que modula su conducta en función de la experiencia engramada . The network collects information, stores memories, and the animal to a stimulus not automatically react with a reflex, but modulates their behavior depending on the grassy experience.
A partir de ahora, en la evolución, ese sistema nervioso irá haciéndose más y más complicado. From now on, in evolution, the nervous system will become more and more complicated. Peces, anfibios, reptiles y mamíferos, estructurarán los ganglios formando una masa encefálica capacitada para tomar decisiones de carácter determinista ( Sin libre albedrío ), pero en función de lo que ustedes denominarían “programación de datos engramados”. Fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, lymph structured brain into a mass capable of making decisions deterministic in nature (no free will), but depending on what you would term "engrams data programming. Esos animales captan información durante toda su existencia, la almacenan, la elaboran a nivel elemental, estructuran una formación cerebelosa capaz de memorizar automatismos y toman decisiones, no sólo en función de lo que observan en su medio ambiente, sino guiados también por su programa interno y sus recuerdos. These animals capture information throughout its existence, store, developed at the elementary level, structured training could memorize cerebellar automation and decision makers, not only in terms of what they observe in their environment, but also guided by its internal program and memorabilia. Patrones de conducta como los que ustedes llaman reflejos condicionados, permiten a estos organismos desarrollar un aprendizaje que supera en ocasiones al condicionamiento de sus instintos. Behavioral patterns as conditioned reflexes you call, allow these organisms to develop learning that sometimes exceeds the conditioning of their instincts.
Debemos considerar ahora un salto trascendente en la evolución cerebral . We now consider a transcendent leap in brain evolution. Mamíferos hominoides, transforman su encéfalo en una red radicalmente distinta. Se genera así el cerebro del OEMII (Hombre) . Mammals hominoid transform your brain into a radically different network. This entails the brain OEMII (Man).
Queremos insistir que no es sólo una función de complejidad. We emphasize that it is not only a function of complexity. Es cierto que para llegar a ese salto, se ha hecho necesaria una densidad de información de 10 19 bits/centímetro 3 . Mas la clave del cambio GUIXOOEXOO ha sido una nueva estructura de la red . Han sido precisas nuevas conexiones (unas pocas) entre el llamado por ustedes Núcleo caudado la formación ganglionar amigdaliana , el hipocampo , la llamada por neurólogos de Tierra área septal y el cortex frontal para que se cree un cerebro radicalmente distinto , que genera una EMERGENCIA EIDUAYUUEE trascendente : La CONSCIENCIA . It is true that to make that leap, it has been necessary information density of 10 19-bit / cm 3. But the key change has been GUIXOOEXOO a new network structure. New connections have been accurate (a few) between the call for you caudate nucleus the nodal amygdala formation, the hippocampus, the Earth neurologists call septal area and frontal cortex for the creation of a radically different brain, which generates an EMERGENCY EIDUAYUUEE transcendent consciousness. Esta función es como ustedes saben trascendente. This function is transcendent as you know. En primer lugar, esa masa viscosa que es el cerebro, se pone en contacto con BUAWAA (Alma o psique) y con BB First, the viscous mass that is the brain, is in contact with BUAWAA (Soul or psyche) and BB
El organismo puede, a partir de ahora, adoptar decisiones libres aunque el porcentaje es aún bastante limitado. The agency may, henceforth, make free although the percentage is still quite limited. Pero lo más importante, lo que aún escapa a la consideración de los neuropsicólogos y teólogos de OYAGAA, es que ese pequeño cerebro, se convierte en un sensor del WAAM-WAAM . But more importantly, what still eludes consideration of OYAGAA neuropsychologists and theologians, is that this little brain, it becomes a sensor-WAAM WAAM.
En el instante de su conformación, su función trascendente estriba en captar información para el BB, y mediante ese transformador grandioso que es el WAAM-WAAM BB, modificar paso a paso la estructura del Universo . At the instant of its formation, its transcendent function is to capture information for BB, and by that processor is great that WAAM WAAM-BB, step by step change the structure of the universe.
Cuando un OEMMII (humano) de cualquier astro frío, situado en algún punto remoto del espacio, dentro del seno de cualquier Universo, observa, piensa, actúa ; simultáneamente su conducta intelectiva, práxica, captora de información, se traduce en una modificación de la configuración del WAAM-WAAM (Universo múltiple) . When a OEMMII (human) of any cold star, located at some remote point in space, within the heart of any universe, observe, think, act, simultaneously intellective behavior, praxis, to grab information, results in a modification of the WAAM-WAAM configuration (multiple universe).
Deténgase a pensar un instante sobre la naturaleza de ese cambio morfológico experimentado en un cerebro que antes permanecía inserto en un hominoide no muy distinto a uno de sus gorilas o chimpancés, y ahora ocupa la cavidad craneana de un humano. Stop and think a moment about the nature of the morphological changes in a brain that were previously embedded in a hominoid not unlike one of its gorillas and chimpanzees, and now occupies the cranial cavity of a human.
En el mundo tecnológico de ustedes, son frecuentes esos saltos en la función de redes. In the technological world of you, those jumps are frequent in the function of networks. Hemos visto en el sur de Francia y en algunas localidades del país España, operarios ambulantes vaciadores, que utilizaban un vehículo motociclo para transferir energía cinética rotatoria a una muela de granulado abrasivo. We have seen in southern France and some parts of the country Spain, mobile operators casters, motorcycle using a vehicle to transfer rotational kinetic energy to grind grain abrasive. Es decir: Una red diseñada para trasladar como vehículo a un cuerpo de OEMII, se transformaba mediante el elemental componente de una correa de transmisión y un volante provisto de un cilindro esmerilador, en un sistema cuya EIDUAYUUE (función, emergencia) era el afilado o vaciado de cuchillas de acero. That is: A network designed to move as a vehicle to a body of OEMII, was transformed by the elemental component of a belt and a flywheel grinder fitted with a cylinder in a system whose EIDUAYUUE (function, emergency) was sharp or casting steel blades.
Sus ingenieros electrónicos saben bien lo sencillo que resulta transformar algunos circuitos receptores, cuya función o emergencia estriba en amplificar trenes de ondas electromagnéticas moduladas en circuitos emisores, capaces de codificar y radiar información, con la simple modificación que supone añadir unos capacitores y resistores, modificar alguna conexión y adicionar una cápsula microfónica. Its electronic engineers know very well how easy it is to transform some receiver circuits whose function is to amplify or emergency trains modulated electromagnetic waves emitting circuits capable of encoding information and radiate with the simple modification of adding a few capacitors and resistors to change some connection and add a capsule microphonic.
Deseamos ahora revelarles la naturaleza del último salto cuántico que puede experimentar un cerebro. Es el más trascendente de todos ellos . We now reveal the nature of the ultimate quantum leap that may experience a brain. It is the most significant of them all. Desconocido para los científicos de OYAGAA. Unbeknownst to the scientists OYAGAA. Las consecuencias, no sólo neurofisiológicas sino fisicocosmológicas, son genuinamente sorprendentes para redes sociales como la de Tierra que aún no ha alcanzado madurez intelectual suficiente para comprenderla. The consequences, not only neurophysiological fisicocosmológicas but are genuinely surprising for social networks such as the Earth that has not yet achieved sufficient intellectual maturity to understand.
Proseguiremos en futuro informe We will continue in future report
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Una cuestión antropobiológica importante para ustedes, es conocer cual será la futura línea evolutiva del cerebro humano. A antropobiológica issue important to you is to know which storyline will be the future of the human brain.As they are his descendants, if they get to exist, passed for example two million years?
We OEMII of UMMO whose brain more is developed than the one of OYAGAA and that we have known other social networks planetary, can answer this important question precisely.
The neguentrópico development of the neuronal Network that calls you encéfalo or brain, will still not pause. Two routes appear before you for this development. One of them is governed by a law unknown by you who we denominated BAAYIOODISXAA (biological Balance cosmic), is vulgarly called by you, process of evolution of the species that is in force by emanated norms of the B.B. (Ortogénesis), through successive IDUGOOO (Changes or genetic mutations). A simple change in the sequence of nucleotides of a DNA chain that Integra any IGOOAA (GEN), is translated in a new polypeptide or proteinic chain. This new embriogeneradora protein, must like mission change the architecture of the system, that is to say the Network. If that Network is the brain and it is a modeller specific protein of structure (the embriogeneradoras proteins have as mission not only histological to modify the bases of the cellular cytoplasm, but to orient space to the weave, something as well as a bricklayer of you prepares bricks three-dimensionally to construct a room).
This mutation, if she is not regressive, implies a new structural change [Note 1] in the brain, that therefore would become more complex. For example, it could develop the structure of cortex frontal, allowing that the individual is more intelligent, since its dendritic network would be able of complicated intellective processes (Processing data of its physical means and coming from his engrame mnémico-memory)
That brain superior, with which we and still in degree greater are equipped than ours, other planetary networks, and that their descendants will also own, will have a configuration somewhat different from which you know. But for that reason a similar qualitative jump has not taken place to which it was experienced when a hominoide being became OEMII (HOMBRE).
Their EIDUAYUUE (Emergencia) will be identical. That is to say, one will be conscious brains, with more high degree, that, of freedom decision-making, yes much more intelligent, but its supreme mission, will be to scrutinize the Universe in which they live, to transfer those data to the B.B. (BUAWAA BIAEII), that is to say, to that distant Universe coder of information, and through him, to modify WAAM-WAAM (Multicosmos).
Here we have to pause, to deal with which they reflect on the most important aspect.
In agreement it is increased the capacity of brings back to consciousness of a brain and therefore its level of free will (based on its increasing complexity), is evident that its action on the B.B is increased, and therefore its modeller influence of the multicosmos.
Before my 5 brothers AWUU SON of AWUU 3 and 64 OYIIAA daughter of UREE 11 would make the brilliant discovery scientific of the existence of function OIXIOOWOA (untranslatable), we could speculate by the logic, like without a doubt it will be doing you when reading our report, that must have a limit to the modeller function of the Universe.
If a brain as small as the one that lodges in his encéfalo, observing the galaxies, the flowers and volcanos, or philosophising on the nature of the being, transfers this weak activity to the B.B and it amplifies this it until the end to model to the configuration of the cosmic dust or the form of a distant galaxy, you will be able to anticipate that if continues the evolution of that mass of nervous ganglia, and therefore its improvement in the conscious function, she would arrive a little while hypothetical, in whom a nongreater macrobrain of eighty decimeters cubical with a sufficiently complex internal architecture, would get to be able to dominate the WAAM-WAAM, competing even with the B.B.
And more considering - as we know now that this influence does not follow you rule of a linear function. (A double increase of neuronal complexity, can multiply by six its cosmological action).
Long before which east level of complexity is reached, the regulating laws of the WAAM-WAAM, true cybernetic organism have predicted regulating functions that surely they will be to them to surprising you, although in the OYAGAA history has been pronounced at least once, that we know, this yuguladora regulation. [Note 2]
But before penetrating in function OIXIOOWOA, we will remember to them that one second via developing encéfalo exists: the BAAYIIBUUTD (it could be translated by biotechnology). To you tomorrow like today, it will be possible to them to synthesize a network of chromosomes (Genome) and to perfect it later to secure living structure-network much more complex, organisms different from which you know, and by all means, OEMII even equipped with a more intelligent and conscious more complex brain and therefore.
But this del is a subject that we will inform in futures paragraphs to them and that it presents/displays serious ethical implications, that its violation would suppose very serious upheavals for the social network that dares to adopt that crucial step.
We will return then to the first subject of this report. What would happen although about natural evolutionary line or biotechnological means, a specific threshold in the architecture and the complexity of encéfalo would be reached?
Before answering, we will inform to them on important aspects of the WOA nature.
We have clarified that WOA is a transcendental pole of information. Not only engrama the configurations of all the possible beings, but the laws that can make the structure possible of WAAM- WAAM.
You do not think who can exist another frame of different physical laws to which they prevail in the WAAM-WAAM.
We can isolate two types of law:
EEWAOO It is a structure of laws that govern the frame of entropic and neguentrópicas tendencies. One is physical and biological laws, many of which are familiar to you, and whose use extends to all the WAAM-WAAM. Summary in a picture very reduced of laws that invigorate the universal network of IBOZSOO UHU. Naturally these laws are inviolable. In the macrophysical structures they prevent any degree of freedom. In the structures microphysics it is not possible to predict the behavior. An essential characteristic of the WAAM-WAAM, is that the macrophysical configurations are regulated and directed by microphysical processes.
For that reason the evolutionary line of the WAAM-WAAM is not determinist. That is the reason that it is impossible to predict his future behavior. All the attempts to make a predictive model [Note 8] of the aim of the universe are condemned the failure. Multicosmos behaves like an alive, autoconsciente, intelligent organism (thanks to its B.B.), equipped with free will to evolve.
If in its sine, one of its Universes follows a line of increasing entropy and therefore of degradation and death, another Cosmos evolves neguentrópicamente. A didactic resemblance, could be the following one:
The WAAM-WAAM is resembled a OEMII (man) that was only equipped with propioceptores sensorial organs. That is to say, a devoid man of eyes, sense of smell, external epidermoid tact, organ of Corti, East etc. man could not perceive the outer world, simply because he would not exist (for him) Universal so external.
But he would be conscious of his metabolism, of his internal temperature, its muscular tensions, their own somatic scheme.
This man would think and make decisions on his own body, having regulated his biochemical metabolism, his histological development.
If in his sine it appeared a disturbing neoplasia, would be able to abort his growth with immunological resources. He would destroy his senile cells and he would regenerate changing to his genome other cytological organizations.
Its soul would be WOA in symbiosis with B.B. First (WOA) it would provide to landlords and informative ideas to him, the second would allow his intellective process, but his conduct and its neurosensora function it would be prevailed by microscopic orgánulos distributed at random in his body, that are the brains. Encéfalos human resident in cold stars.
UAA But in the WAAM-WAAM networks or physical structures susceptible exist not only to undergo neguentrópicas, biological degradation and death (Entropy), but networks; some of which acquire rank of conscious (brains). These last ones are susceptible to make FREE decisions. Nonsubject therefore to the determinism of the inflexible physical laws.
It is evident for you that this introduces the very serious factor of insecurity for the MULTIPLE COSMOS. They do not forget that the OEMII brains are able to model the architecture of the diverse Universes. If the conscious behavior of them is unbalanced they would introduce important disturbances in that cybernetic organism that is the WAAM-WAAM. [Note 3]
Now you will include the paper who represent the UAA.
One is ideal landlords of conduct. Noninteractive landlords nor conditioners like the EEWAOO. Are laws nonimposed to the networks of IBOZSOO UHU, only comprehensible for a neuronal network that reached the conscience degree, (OEMMII brain). One is not imposed laws. The nervous ganglionary network, can decide, not follow them since in certain level is equipped with free will.
They are harmonic landlords; (these UAA) that regulates neguentropía.
Its violation brings about an increase of entropy of the multicosmic system. Its adaptation generates an increase of neguentropía, that is to say, informative improvement.
In the huge plan of the multicosmos, they can seem these inoperative or irrelevant UAA, since they are not like the EEWAOO (biological laws physical), norms that fatally have to govern the behavior of mass and energy.
The UAA are on the contrary reflective, alive organism contemplates the intelligent them like in a mirror, and it accepts or no. That it will happen if the set of brains refuses to obey them? It would be evident that the multicosmos colapsaría.
But the huge organizational scheme of the WAAM-WAAM, has anticipated wisely that hypothetical but false emergencia.
It is evident that a brain or one adds limited of them, can refuse to freely follow the dictations of the UAA. He is even predictable that all a network or planetary community wishes to be in force by landlords anti UAA (immoral), but the rest of intelligent, conscious organisms that the consequences of their conduct can become against they themselves, will accept those logical landlords of behavior.
Perhaps it helps them to include/understand this collective conduct, with a crude extracted example of the Thermodynamics.
In a closed enclosure; the particles (molecules) of a gas behave randomly. It is impossible to predict if a molecule is oriented with a speed determined towards the wall of the enclosure, or if it is going to hit against a brother particle. But a macrophysical observer, can however predict with exactitude the behavior of all the molecule set. Its pressure, its temperature, that is its average speed.
The Nature through the engramados universal landlords in WOA knows that fatally the set of OEMII distributed in trillones of inhabited planets will fulfill the UAA, doing possible the harmonic development of the WAAM-WAAM although a fraction of violates them to them destroying its own future partly. The terrible experience of the previous conformation to its integration in B.B., will act in addition like terrible aversivo factor for which they refuse to follow such laws.
We have known communities planetary whose intelligent beings, adopting an egoistic, aggressive, destructive conduct for their brothers, autoaniquilaron themselves with terrible biotécnicas arms. But their death and suffering when experimenting their effects, are pale specular images against the intellectual suffering frightful that experimented before integrating themselves in B.B after their death.
Now, after these shadings, they will be able to include/understand the OIXIOWOA more diaphanously.
You remember who we informed to them about the double function of WOA.
This cosmic POLE (you can denominate it God, they wish if it, saving the conceptual differences separates that it of their theological conceptions), is able to enter “resonance” with two basic structures of the WAAM-WAAM.
One of knows it to them through our information. It is WAAM B.B. This last one catches the following models or landlords:
Landlords or sequences of information of the possible configurations. (Stars, animal, things).
Landlords modeled by the EEWAOO (physical and biological laws).
But WOA can transfer - and for other important landlords of law. The regulating UAA of neguentropía. And it does in “resonance” (they do not forget that we used the term resonance like didactic resource) with determined networks that is generated by evolution in different cold stars and in intelligent social networks.
We spoke to them of the different quantum jumps that we can observe in a nervous configuration. We remembered to them that these could evolve in the following stages each one of as contributes a GUIXOOEXO and therefore a different emergencia.
First stage: Organism with simple reflections that it reacts directly to the stimulus of physical means.
Secondly stage: Organism able to engramar information and that deterministicamente it deterministicamente directs his conduct in virtue not only of means, but of the memorised information.
Third stage: Organism (OEMII) (Man) whose brain has undergone a quantum jump that allows conscious, relatively free and to be connected BUAWAA (Psique) to BUAWEE BIAEII and that with its conduct contributes to model the WAAM-WAAM.
We see the third stage: Its duration can be amounted enters million four hundred thousand years, to thirty and eight million. Case of all the civilizations that we know (the eighty percent of them), including the network of OYAGAA and the one of UMMO, is between those limits. When a social network of human brains dies soon, it is not due to a mutation of his structure, but to that autoaniquila. Times by terrible collective suicides as in the cold star whose phoneme we could approximately translate by FEEXEEEEE, located in a star of spectral type K located to thirty and two thousand years light of you (constellation of Aries) in the surroundings of our galactic formation.
Other times the technological development and the violation of law UAAA, have caused a planetary hecatomb after a terrible conflagration between contenders. Sometimes, other people's causes as the near explosion of one supernovates or serious cosmological disturbances, have generated the destruction of that humanity.
But the natural aim of a human species, if variations in their main star, very serious geologic cataclysms or technological destruction do not exist, is the passage to the fourth stage: the OIXIOOWOA.
The probability that a mutation OIXIOOWOA arises (a single in a certain brain) and during the ten million years first of a OEMII network is very high. (Probability near one) that unit becomes if thirteen million years have passed at least.
It is very rare that in the course of fifteen to twenty million years (if the humanity survives) a similar mutation takes place. [Note 4]
Passed thirty and eight million years, a surprising biological-physical phenomenon takes place. Almost all the brains have changed. Already from six million years before, hundreds of thousands of beings OEMII had undergone that mutation becoming brains OIXIOOWOA. To the few years of life (not more than fifty), the human organism that lodges that brain “DISAPPEARS”. (It observes that nontenth that dies, but “it disappears”. It is clear that if all the population that populates the cold star arrives at this stage, the humanity stops existing.
We are going to clarify this enigma to them.
When a network of neuronal nuclei (encéfalo) is evolving, more becomes more intelligent, and more conscious and therefore and more more influential and in the WAAM-WAAM.
A multiple mutation in the genome, can give rise to another quantum jump (the definitive one). Another nervous network is created superior (not necessarily much more intelligent), but whose emergencia is totally new. It is the rarest for us phase OIXIIOOWOA, the stage superior that can reach a brain. The being or organism lodges that it, stop being a man as you call, a OEMII, as we were called. He is another being, although their anatomy is similar. We called to this new being: generally: OEMMIIWOA.
Their characteristics are:
ANATOMY: It is the unique phase well-known, similar to the one of the OEMMII of which it has been generated by genetic mutation. Its body cannot continue evolving, because its physical structure disappears, years after its birth, when a certain mental state called WOAIRII takes place (untranslatable).
INTELLECTUAL LEVEL: The mutation appears in a genome corresponding to a future phenotype of the high intelligence. If its organism did not disappear, it is presumed that its descendants would be growing in mental capacity, plus this is undemonstrable.
CONNECTIONS CONDITIONERS: We have never had access to the brain of a OEMMIIWOA for obvious reasons. The model that appears like more probable, is the one of encéfalo with a special development of the amigdaliano nucleus, an hyperactivity of the pineal gland. Probably, appearance of two subtalámicos nuclei nails.
Cosmobiológica STRUCTURE: In the OEMMIIWOA classic networks BAAYIODUU integrated by atoms of Krypton appear that put encéfalo in connection with their BUAAWAA and BUAWWEE BIAEII. But in addition, a new network arises, with a number unknown for us of atoms of Kr (Krypton), that establishes an informative connection with the Cosmic pole of information WOA.
FUNCTION OF THE OEMMIIWOA: In the brain of encéfalo thus changed, they are engraman at unconscious level, the UAA of WOA. The AYUUEAOIDII or emergencia (function) of this nervous network, is pronounced with huge intensity in the wonderful plan of the cosmological Nature. This encéfalo must like mission inject in the social network, those laws of neguentrópica regulation to encéfalos with free will able to assume them or to reject them. The information about those laws (morals, as you would say) is canalized from that brain, towards the global body of data that forms the cultural patrimony of that society.
The OEMMIIWOA becomes direct receiver of certain contained landlords of arrangement in WOA thus, and not only through B.B., like in the rest of the human beings. [Note 5]
“DISAPPEARANCE” OF THE OEMMIIWOA: A being of these characteristics is something exceptional in the surroundings of a social network. Its degree of awareness, tends to a maximum. This maximum takes place, that is to say, in a state called by us WOAIRII of intensísima emotional alteration in a while of its life in which the límbico system of their brain, submissive very powerful mental pressures, brings about an affective collapse to him.
In those conditions the conscious function of the brain, reaches an inadmissible threshold after the WAAM-WAAM.
They remember that we clarified to them in preceding paragraphs, that the multicosmos could not tolerate that a brain reaches such level of conscious activity that is able to modify their configuration at the level, for example, that makes B.B.
The Biocósmicas laws have anticipated a cybernetic mechanism of self-defense in the multiple Universe. On the one hand, such structure cannot be annihilated, but its survival would happen in the absurd one of which a very small alive organism, dominated the multicosmos. Long before which that threshold is reached, B.B. ASNEIIBIAEOO (it can be translated by fagocitar, absorbing, to abduce) to that wonderful one to be.
For physical you of OYAGAA, it is still incomprehensible east phenomenon, that without a doubt would describe as magician. We recognize that its peculiarity makes its detection difficult, nevertheless, its physical foundation called by us LEIYOO WAAM (Effect membrane or border), is something that is pronounced continuously between two adjacent Universes (In fact, the transference of information with B.B through atoms of Krypton, is also a opposite effect. [Note 6]
We call effect LEIYOO WAAM, to a set of cosmofísicos phenomena that are pronounced in call by us XOODI WAAM. This word expresses “the membrane” concept or border between two “adjacent” Universes (They understand by “adjacent”, not it notion of topológica or geometric proximity, but “structure” with which the transference of IBOZSOO UHU is possible).
A crude resemblance will serve to them to include/understand this concept. Two separated enclosures or containers imagine to each other, by a fine porous porcelain membrane. They fill if them with a mixture of liquids with different molecular weight, will cross the membrane the liquid whose molecular size more is reduced.
Tenth that is a crude resemblance, because true LEIYOO WAAM is a phenomenon of high complexity that implies the transformation of a network of ibozsoo uhu (elementary Organizations which they form the base of any quantum of the nature) constituted in mass; in photons. That is to say: They imagine that upon the table you have a small lead bucket. If WAAM B.B. ,
through a stationary wave train, it stimulates the imaginary mass of
“the adjacent” Universes, takes place a specific effect of resonance
that affects to a train of imaginary masses in a chain of the Cosmos.
This sequence of oscillations in mass they
would reach our Universe and within him, the point of the cold Star
where our bucket of Pb is located. The resonance with the network of
IBOZSOO UHU that Integra its mass is so, that LEIYOO WAAM takes place
then (opposite Effect).
Before the eyes of the observer of its Star, the bucket would disappear very instantaneously of seen his, taking place a slight gaseous turbulence due to that the emptiness must be filled by the surrounding air.
Where it will have stopped that metallic bucket? Mass global of our Universe will have reduced in the same measurement, but energy global of Universe adjacent, will have increased in equivalent power of that same mass, because in that Universe it will appear in the form of network of IBODSOO UHU conformed in photons of a frequency that will be function of the kinetic energy which they had molecules of the crystalline network of the lead, at the moment of the mutation (that is to say, of its temperature).
Naturally, this phenomenon of conversion is very improbable that it happens.
Who modulates LEIYOO WAAM (effects opposite) are the Universe of infinite mass, that codifies enormous amounts of informative Beings.
Thanks to those effects, So Universal it regulates the configuration of “the adjacent” infinites the Cosmos.
You can imagine that WAAM,
is like a gigantic data processor whose peripheral organs, of exit,
that is to say their effectors, are not another thing that whatever of
imaginary mass which they operate by opposite effect, that is to say;
strange arms or tentacles that extend until the Cosmos most distant.
They can cause foldings in the surroundings I space weather of a
Universe, or also transfer mass and energy and information through
XOOIDI WAAM (opposite). But all this cosmological action, is not
realised at random, but carefully programmed by WAAM
, that, since we have reiterated to them, is informed as well by infinite brains of OEMMII.
a OEMMIIWOA, that is to say; A human equipped with that singular brain,
reaches an unbearable level of awareness (unbearable for WAAM), this reacts very instantaneously causing a spectacular LEIYOO WAAM. The body of that human, “disappears” in view of its companions. Its mass is turned into photons in an adjacent Universe and his psique is very instantaneously integrated in B.B without reconversion,
because its neuronal structure while still alive, did not allow him to
break moral law, the UAA, since its brain was a direct receiver of
those universal landlords of conduct. [Note 7]
You do not think who that “disappearance” is a species of punishment of the WAAM-WAAM. It is in force simply by a law of survival of Multicosmos.
[1] This type of mutations can be accidental, for example when an ionizing radiation creates a chemical radical that affects seriously to the IGOOAA network (genes) bringing about a slight variation in the sequence of nucleotides of call by you DNA, in which case the later formation of a protein, seriously affected by this change, will bring about alterations in the phenotype (positive or negative for the survival of the individual) or to be a mutation ORIENTED BY B.B., called by us IDUUGOO. In this case, the affected nucleotides are several, many of which correspond to ADN sequences that later, through ARN chains called by you messenger and transferidor ARN, will give rise in his ribosomas to embriogeneradoras proteins (that is to say of histological architecture).
We speak of SEVERAL proteins of this class, so that the change in the phenotype will be deeper than when it is an accidental mutation.
In this case a true quantum jump in the species takes place. It is of this form as a new encephalic neuronal network is modeled in which it changes rather deeply his structure.
In summary: The mutation of a brain from a type to more perfect other, is directed by BUAWEE BIAEEII. The moment of its appearance is governed by chance laws, but its improvement follows laws that demand a progressive improvement following very complex landlords of genetic evolution engramadas in B.B. Each philum can give rise to approximately 218,000 possible structural mutations that they correspond to other so many landlords engramados in B.B. A network of Krypton to decode the instructions of this cosmic data bank. Back
[2] When
the disturbance in the Cosmos is very intense, takes place an
investment in the resonant action of its imaginary mass. B.B.
(Universal) it catches this investment then when not being able to
resonate takes place a complicated effect, whose more comprehensible
resemblance for you would be a beam of standing waves. This produces a
serious disturbing effect in WAAM . (He is something as well as if you sent a ball, it bounced in the wall and of return it would injure his head to them).
One is a true curl of refeeding. The disturbance brought about in B.B is translated in a opposite effect, WAAM eliminates the cause of the disturbance thus.
We now went ahead to explain to them what it would happen if a vulgar brain of human, with its modeller conscious action and therefore of variations in the WAAM-WAAM, would get to exceed in its functions, generating one intensísima distortion in a Universe. B.B. In this case, following laws of cybernetic character, would annul by opposite effect the configuration of this organism in their own Universe of origin, dissolving their network of mass IBOZSOO UHU and transforming it into another network energetics in another Universe, although the sum of information engramada in the same, would not be lost. Aspect this that we will develop ahead.
This event in a Earth man or a OEMMII of UMMO is probabilistically impossible. It is like imagining to us that a Earth athlete can be as strong as to take the Himalayas. But: That he would happen if by mutation an athlete of height similar to 70 kilometers were generated? Naturally this is a simple metaphor, cannot be developed so gigantic anatomy, but however yes it is possible as structured brains will more ahead see be generated able to create terrible cosmological disturbances.
This limitation of our own power to distort WAAM - WAAM protects to us. We can die and our body to dissolve within the framework fisicobiológico that surrounds to us, but “not to disappear happening to another Cosmos”. At least while we continue being vulgar OEMMII. Back
[3] You can ask to us on the reason for which the UAA (that you almost impregnating them of a religious mystical character call morals) are not so inflexible and rigid as the EEWAO. (Physical-biological Laws that is to be fulfilled inevitably).
It is evident that the cosmobiológica Nature is in force by landlords that we could metaphorically describe them like equipped with a great wisdom. They imagine by reduction to the absurd one, that the intelligent organisms of the WAAM-WAAM were not free. (Naturally in this case ideal landlords would not need conduct (UAA) to be in force, would be enough the physical laws to them). Its network will be therefore DETERMINIST. The action of these brains on the multiple Cosmos, would be esclerosada for want of creativity. Only in a free system, the information can be invigorated continuously, becoming rich in an evolutionary process.
A rigid model would give rise to a crystallized WAAM-WAAM, with a level of initial information that it would degenerate quickly by entropy.
They imagine another model: The brains free, conscious, are equipped with certain percentage of free will, but not attended by landlords UAA, that is to say, incapable to catch landlords of moral conduct, in case these did not exist or they were not facilitated to them.
The social networks of Cold, devoid Stars of norms, would fall in a neguentrópico chaos, would be autodestruirían quickly and their behavioural actions, would bring about a chaos in the WAAM-WAAM.
If you reflect; the UAA are as necessary as the EEWAO (physical-biological laws) for the existence of the cosmobiológica Nature.
Without an u others, would not be right to be the set of Universes, and we would arrive at the absurd organization of a pole of information, WOA, that it cannot be developed to itself.
On the other hand, the UAA cannot be rigid like the EEWAO, because there are to adapt to the structure of a social network and to change with this. We want to say them they include/understand so that it, that the body of laws that you call ethical (whose genuine aim, as you see, is to avoid the entropy of an intelligent system biological, and therefore the entropy of Multi-Cosmos), is not totally Universal. It is certain that it leaves from those laws have cosmic character. For example, the UAA if the evolution of the humanity of a cold Star is disturbed seriously, on the part of inhabitants of another planetary being is violated.
But other laws, are adapted at the historical moment of a human group. Yes it changes the structure of the Network. the moral law also changes.
will already see in the text that we have written up to them, that
these laws UAA, are injected to the social network, through two
channels. The one very cushioned and weakest one that comes from WAAM,
and that it connects with the subconscious structures of our brains.
Another channel, comes directly from the important pole of information
WOA and is the one that we are studying pedagogically in this report.
[4] The law of frequency allocation in the time, follows a function very singular, whose graph we expose next. In each social network of any cold star, a single individual of this called species OEMMIWOA begins to be generated by chance. Soon a long interval passes without the phenomenon takes place, to make appearance more passed many million years.
Mutation OIXIOOWOA generates therefore a type of brain radically different from the one from the OEMII from which it comes. The OEMIIWOA thus conformed, is a new biological species with different genome.
[5] Is very difficult to outline in brief typing lines, the mental structure of a OEMMIWOA, that logically is to be different that the one from a OEMII. On the one hand it is made conscious that the information that receives, comes from pole WOA. But the notion that of WOA has this being, comes from its sociocultural surroundings. If this one has a WOA concept magician-monk, this new organism can be believed identified with a antropomental God, although the values UAA of which he is carrying, form to him like a being equipped with the great humility, given to the service of the OEMMII and arranged to any sacrifice.
The chromosomic structure of the OEMMIIWOA prevents him to procreate with a different OEMMII then both are of species. In fact it can try, because unless has been born in a humanity whose scientific development sufficiently is developed like to have made the mathematician-biological model of the existence of this new brain, that OEMMIIWOA ignores that its organism is different from the one from other intelligent humans, since its anatomy is very similar. (Jesus and UMMOWOA lacked at their respective times of birth, of such data).
By all means a OEMMIIWOA can be woman. And in fact we have detected cold Stars in that thus he was. The one that JESUS and our UMMOWOA are men is one simple' fortuitous circumstance.
In the case of Earth, he is difficult to anticipate what it had happened if Jesus had been born woman, within the iron judaica chauvinistic mentality. Perhaps he can shed light to them on the supposed event, the historical analysis than it happened to the sister of you Hipacia, born in year 368 in Alexandria, daughter of Teón. This woman, one of most intelligent than has had OYAGAA, was one insigne mathematical astronomer and of her time. His father had initiated to him in Geometry. She, had contributed to develop the wonderful library, whose destruction by the Christians supposed, for you, centuries of the intellectual dark.
The patriarch of Alexandria, hated by his double condition of woman and intellectual, nonChristian.
The revolts in the city, had been initiated by a fanatical monk, call Ammonium. The fights between Christians and pagans were become serious. One turbamulta of those in favor of the Patriarch, catched in the street the unfortunate woman, and a messenger was sent to jerarca Christian, that gave instructions to kill it, without specifying the form. Those fanatics undressed, it, sectioned the sines to him, they introduced a wood twig to him in the vagina tearing to him the uterus, and raising, Zoido call, with the shell of a mollusc, sectioned the musculatura to him of legs and arms until bleeding it and producing the death to him. Cirilo Patriarch, who with time was declared santo, when receiving that one behind schedule to the fanatical executors of Hipazia, exhorted to them to continue fighting by the Faith. Thus one of protomártires of Science died.
You can imagine what it had happened to a woman, yes had proclaimed yourselves incarnated by God. You if they dedicate some paragraph to him in his books of History, and not even have hardly worried, like us, in drilling your life. It is a coherent position with the pathological scorn that you, the OYAGAA men, experiment towards the intelligence of the YIEE (women).
[6] is included/understood that in a Social Network not yet equipped with a rational and scientific cultural base, all unusual event that apparently is not in force by slight physical-biological well-known, is interpreted by the observant OEMMII, like supernatural, taumatúrgico, or fruit of nouménico-important powers. That is in, between you, the origin of the magical ideas. When a fact cannot include/understand it with its reason, and this it takes place with certain peculiarity (escasísima incidence in the time), you can think that she has been objetivado by divine intervention, or of a demon, or a spirit. To other they will label it times with the voice “paranormal”, as if the development of the phenomenon was developed besides the laws. He is explicable, therefore, that in the development of its history, appearances of a volcano, meteorite impacts, globular plasma rays, appearances of Supernovas… Infrequent phenomena all of them, but not for that reason violating ones of the picture of laws EEWAO (physical-biological laws), would be interpreted superstitiously like supernatural signs. Thus, the appearance in the celestial sphere of a comet, has been between you signal of serious predictions. Even in the frame of one more a technified Society, like which it surrounded to our UMMOWOA, its fading in the space as a result of that opposite effect, was contemplated with moving superstitious terror.
[7] ANESIIBIAEOOO (to fagocitar, to abduce, to absorb), it is a process about which we fear to extend to us, not to exceed the terms that we have designed in this simple and elementary report.
For an observer OEMMII who has the true luck to be present at the moment at which he takes place, that another “human being” disappears of seen his as if he had been made very instantaneously is transparent, hair net, is stunned attributing the phenomenon to a supernatural deed.
But, this Leiyoo Waam (opposite Effect), offers important discrepant aspects with the phenomenon of “disappearance” of, called by you, “black stars”, “abysses or black holes”.
In these last ones, when colapsar its mass over a threshold, this also disappears of the present Universe, through “the border”, and reappears in the form of energy degraded (reducing its Entropy) in another adjacent Cosmos.
ANESIIBIAEOO, is much more complex a opposite effect. The chain of IBOZSOO UHU (that in principle conformed the brain, in fourth stage, of organism OEMMIIWOA), is transformed first the adjacent Universe, a chain of carrying IBOZSOO UHU, not only of the information that engramaba the memory of that individual, but the stored one in the subconscious mind coming from WOA (UAA), plus which it reports the complicated neurocerebral structure.
From now on, a chain of transferences, Universe in Universe takes place (without loss of information), until being sunk by WAAM, contributing to enrich the complex structure of the B.B.
We observe here, an example more of the wonderful harmony of the WAAM-WAAM. If they pause to realise an analysis of the process, they will verify you yourself.
On the one hand OEMMIIWOA (man or female) is born by species mutation, like a biological necessity, to regulate the Network of OEMII,
and that this not slipping dangerously towards the Entropy. For that
reason we indicated to them at the beginning of this report, that its existence was so inevitable and scientifically necessary as the gravitational law,
that generates attraction between a meteorite and a planetoid. But its
existence, if it surpasses a certain threshold of dangerous awareness
for the WAAM-WAAM, no longer is possible in that case. When fagocitar it the WAAM is
fulfilled two objectives: To annul its cosmological injurious effect,
and to take advantage of its extraordinary informative complexity. in
order to contribute to the development of the B.B.
[8] is not possible to predict with certainty the aim of the twin Universes, WAAM and UWAAM, that are to us familiar.
We can, that if, to determine with certain probabilistic level what is going to happen with our Cosmos (in that “we resided”) based on the evolutionary line that we are observing. Its end will be, “probably”, continuous a spatio-temporal one, formed in a hypersphere of radio almost infinitely.
Our” configurations of mass or “eddies” will not exist in that future “: power vortices (confined waves).
one isotropic distribution of radiations at the lowest level of energy.
Product of a putting in phase of the wave trains that suppose those
structures of IBOZSOO UHU, generated by WOA, through WAAM.
This model of the aim, has been developed with enough success by its same cosmologists of OYAGAA.
It is only precise to clarify, that certainty that does not exist this aim, for our Universe, is going to happen necessarily, because it is impossible to predict hypothetical cogoverning actions of WAAM- WAAM,